:mod:`viz.transactionbuilder` ============================= .. py:module:: viz.transactionbuilder Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: ProposalBuilder(author, title, memo, proposal_expiration=None, proposal_review=None, parent=None, *args, **kwargs) Bases: :class:`graphenecommon.transactionbuilder.ProposalBuilder` .. autoapi-inheritance-diagram:: viz.transactionbuilder.ProposalBuilder :parts: 1 :private-bases: Proposal Builder allows us to construct an independent Proposal that may later be added to an instance of TransactionBuilder. :param str proposer: Account name of the proposing user :param int proposal_expiration: Number seconds until the proposal is supposed to expire :param int proposal_review: Number of seconds for review of the proposal :param .transactionbuilder.TransactionBuilder: Specify your own instance of transaction builder (optional) :param instance blockchain_instance: Blockchain instance .. method:: define_classes(self) .. method:: get_raw(self) Returns an instance of base "Operations" for further processing. .. method:: broadcast(self) .. py:class:: TransactionBuilder Bases: :class:`graphenecommon.transactionbuilder.TransactionBuilder` .. autoapi-inheritance-diagram:: viz.transactionbuilder.TransactionBuilder :parts: 1 :private-bases: This class simplifies the creation of transactions by adding operations and signers. .. attribute:: permission_types :annotation: = ['master', 'active', 'regular'] .. method:: define_classes(self) .. method:: add_required_fees(self, ops, **kwargs) Override this method because steem-like chains doesn't have transaction feed. .. method:: appendSigner(self, accounts, permission) Try to obtain the wif key from the wallet by telling which account and permission is supposed to sign the transaction. .. method:: get_block_params(self) Auxiliary method to obtain ``ref_block_num`` and ``ref_block_prefix``. Requires a websocket connection to a witness node!