
Module Contents

class ProposalBuilder(author, title, memo, proposal_expiration=None, proposal_review=None, parent=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: graphenecommon.transactionbuilder.ProposalBuilder

Inheritance diagram of viz.transactionbuilder.ProposalBuilder

Proposal Builder allows us to construct an independent Proposal that may later be added to an instance of TransactionBuilder.

param str proposer

Account name of the proposing user

param int proposal_expiration

Number seconds until the proposal is supposed to expire

param int proposal_review

Number of seconds for review of the proposal

param .transactionbuilder.TransactionBuilder

Specify your own instance of transaction builder (optional)

param instance blockchain_instance

Blockchain instance


Returns an instance of base “Operations” for further processing.

class TransactionBuilder

Bases: graphenecommon.transactionbuilder.TransactionBuilder

Inheritance diagram of viz.transactionbuilder.TransactionBuilder

This class simplifies the creation of transactions by adding operations and signers.

permission_types = ['master', 'active', 'regular']
add_required_fees(self, ops, **kwargs)

Override this method because steem-like chains doesn’t have transaction feed.

appendSigner(self, accounts, permission)

Try to obtain the wif key from the wallet by telling which account and permission is supposed to sign the transaction.


Auxiliary method to obtain ref_block_num and ref_block_prefix.

Requires a websocket connection to a witness node!